I can still hardly breathe from the wildness and awesomeness of this past weekends performances. Little Feat?! Shut up, Phish. Just stop it with your incredible talents and jamming skills. I have many many things that became my phavorite this weekend, and I know I owe you at least 3 reasons to love Phish everyday, but I'm at the end of my work day, won't be at a computer until tomorrow (again!) and so I just really want to share this story with you. Many of my reasons to love Phish will be repeated, especially any regarding the Phans, so bear with me as I explain to you how much Phans love one another.
My friend Nick organized a room for all of us to come up to AC for Halloween. He put it on his credit card, made sure we all paid him back, and it was basically because of Nick that my group of friends was able to attend the show and sleep comfortably and have as amazing of a time as we did. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until the person who was supposed to trade Nick a Halloween ticket backed out. We got a call from the girl at 11 am on Sunday morning informing us that she had to trade it for a Saturday night ticket, so no longer had an extra ticket for that nights show (easily the hardest ticket of the weekend, and for a very good reason.)
Side story: DO NOT EVER DO THIS TO A PHAN. Come on, you should really know better. If you are talking to a person for over a month about trading tickets, how absolutely heartless of you to wait until the last minute to back out. That is just so so rude; I was truly appalled. If you're out there, chica... shame on you. Thank heavens things always work out with Phish, I tell ya.
Anyway, Nick was beside himself upset. He gave up the thought of going to the Halloween show almost immediately, and didn't waste his time walking the boardwalk or casinos with his finger in the air. Myself and a few friends of mine did; we spent precious drinking time walking the boardwalk and around the Trop to no avail, finger stuck worthlessly in the air among the other hopefuls. We sent out mass texts, posted to craigslist, phantasytour, phish.net, everywhere. We really did what we could, and come show time, Nick didn't have a ticket. His bags were packed, he was ready to go. He had school, a paper due, didn't want to drive through the dark. All sorts of reasons to give it up. Something in his heart just wouldn't let him, and my poor friend was physically disturbed to the core.
Then a Phish miracle occurred that doesn't come in the form a free ticket. Our wonderful friend Nate came out to the hallway where we were trying to find a solution for Nick and he said to us, "Guys, I'm gonna give Nick my ticket, someone just has to convince him to take it. I'll find a way in, I know I will; there's just no way I'll sleep comfortably knowing he didn't go to the show. I'll be as upset as him if we don't get him in somehow."
Hearing this, and knowing, of course, Nick wouldn't take the ticket, I went back into the room to do some convincing.
"Nick," I said. "You're the reason we're here. If not for you, none of this would be possible, you have to go to the show tonight. I know you've seen Phish and I know there will be more shows (in response to his protests), and I know you have school, but you're here now and you should be in there in half hour. Take Nate's ticket, he needs you to have it. He's not going to the show without you, and you have to take that ticket or it will be wasted. This is how Phish karma works, he'll get in. He'll get a miracle or sneak in or slip the guard a bill or two, you've got to take that ticket. And you know what, since there are so many more shows, and this is our Phish crew, you know you can hit Nate back next time. Don't turn this down. Come to Phish tonight, please," I begged with him. It was almost selfish of me, I love going to shows with Nick.
I don't know if it was my girlie charm, or my genius speech, or if Nick just realized it would be worthless for him to go home, but he took the ticket. We all rejoiced. Even Nate, who was losing a ticket, was thrilled to give it away. And you better believe, Nate got into the show no problem at all. We enjoyed the whole thing together. And I will never, ever, ever, forget the love that Nate showed for Nick, all because of Phish. It was a most beautiful experience for me, embedded in something so powerful and special, I won't ever forget either.
More about Halloween later, I'm sorry yall. But isn't that a great story? I love my phamily <3
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